Sunday, February 6, 2011

my first time in ROME!!

Where do I even begin?? We have been so busy and seen so much in just a few days!! It's so overwhelming but so worth it!! I do not have time now to fill you in on the field trips we took this past week, but I am planning on tomorrow having time to upload pictures and everything!!

This weekend I finally got to go to Rome for the first time!! There were about 10 of us that took the train there!! we got a 6 euro pass that gets us to and from Rome and then we can also ride the metro anywhere when we got to Rome!! It is a great little deal because Rome is HUGE and I had no idea!! It was just a weird feeling when we were on the train and I was ACTUALLY going to Rome!! I couldn't believe it! So thankful for the opportunity the Lord has given me!

Me and Suze getting on the train!

Our train ride ends in Rome at Termini which is the center of all train and metro systems in Rome so we had to catch the metro to get where we wanted to go [the Trevi Fountain]. Our intern was with us, which was a great thing, or else I would have been a lost girl in Rome. I never knew it was so big! And at night everything looks EXACTLY the same!! We got there around 6 so we got our first pizza in Rome and it was absolutely spectacular! everything about it was great... the cheese, the tomato sauce, and the bread. and I didn't feel like a ball of grease after I ate it! it was great.

the first site of Rome I saw!! fell in love immediately. 

this was the restaurant we ate at!

but one thing I don't understand though is why it is complicated to get tap water. really. it makes no sense to me. we were only allowed one glass of tap water? anyways, that's besides the point. the pizza was great. Once we got done with dinner we went to the Trevi Fountain! As always, I just followed. After stopping in a few shops along the way we turned the corner and there it was! It was absolutely beautiful!! Nothing like I had ever imagined!!
trevi fountain!

had to do the awkward single pic.
Throwing our coin in!!

delicious gelato! can't get enough of it!!

After the Trevi Fountain we went to the Spanish Steps!!

he spray paints pictures for 10 euros... it's incredible!

spanish steps!!

This is Brittany! She got me to sign up for this trip :)
It was such a fun night in Rome!! I loved every second of it and cannot wait to see more! We will be traveling on fields trips 3 days this week to see the rest of Rome! We have class in the morning [that I am actually excited about] so I am going to bed, hopefully!

Philemon 1:4


  1. Amazing!! I am so thankful you have this opportunity! As always keep following the right One!

  2. I knew you would be obsessed with Rome! What kind of gelato did you have??? I need details :)

  3. You're way too cute to be in Rome without an experienced adult!! I'm booking a flight!! :) :). (just kidding) Have so much fun this week!
